Get A Boost, Then Get Amped In 2018

Boost Incubator accelorator copy

The Boost Accelerator/Incubator program is centered on media production and communication, and undergirded by a network of employment resource groups from major tech-entertainment players in Silicon Beach.  The outcome(s) will discover and highlight talented creative/tech professionals from non traditional sources, underserved communities, and K-14 inner city school districts to provide solutions for future tech entrepreneurs.  Amped-Up is where we’ve been, Boost is where were going.

This program gives the brightest young tech and production talent the opportunity to produce content and web based distribution outlets using next generation tools and owned properties, while preparing them to serve in various capacities in the Silicon Beach eco-system.  The LAACD is our student target market for the incubator, yet we are looking for students k-16 who fit the profile of underserved talent in Los Angeles-Orange County.  Our program is fueled by mentorship, yet corporate employees participation will be key in growing the incubators capacity.

  • Background and business case will review the state of the art and why partners are interested in proposed work. Proposed work will provide description of work with problem to be attacked and the expected result. General information on project duration and effort from each partner.
  • Work-plan will provide an analysis of the work broken into manageable work-packages. Short table should accompany each work-package as follows.
  • Project management will provided the structure with identification of who is in overall charge of the day to day project management.
  • Project Costs will outline the costs including in-kind contributions.
  • Exploitation will provide projections on how the results will be monetized.

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Incubator vs Accelorator