
25 years ago, I chose to light a candle rather than curse the darkness. I decided to create an academic to workforce program, named after my nephew, Dakar Kareem Young who lost his life on his birthday, May 13th, 2015.

Dakar’s indelible spirit will live-on through a smart pipeline program that we strive to endow as end-to-end continuum to provide advanced education, wrap around services, and human resource placement to attend California State University, Northridge with an emphasis on articulated course work, leadership skills, and the precise requirements needed to compete in the creative-tech economy as an apprentice with corporations in Silicon Beach

The Program

This mentorship>scholarship>apprenticeship>stewardship program is to benefit students who may be Homeless, Dreamers, Foster Care and Single mothers.  The application process will incubate and accelerate their ability to compete in all phases of development to placement.

The Legend

One out of every 5 students in the Los Angeles Community College District is homeless, (There are more than 1,400 und undocumented students enrolled at CSUN, more than any other college in the U.S.)

The Way Ahead, Rockstars & Superstars

To develop and place Superstars, super achievers…those who want to be or replace you. And Rockstars:  achievers but are just solid in what they do. Core to the company

What If Education Looked Like This

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As we celebrate over 25 years of community service between Silicon Valley and Silicon Beach, and Oakland to Compton, we’d like to share our work with our new and old friends. www.dakarfoundation.org, (click past events). We now serve over 2.2 million k-14 students in classrooms Los Angeles County https://www.lacountyartsedcollective.org/initiatives/school-district-support and Strong Workforce http://doingwhatmatters.cccco.edu/Overview.aspx.

Our pillars are rooted in the Digital Pathway Initiative,  advocating scholarship, internship, mentorship, and apprenticeship placement in career workforce in tech-entertainment in Silicon Beach. We narrowly focus on emerging digital media opportunities on the horizon, to keep our network of students, parents, and educators a-head of the curve for the competitive age of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and crypto-economics.

We practice project based learning, and manage the worlds largest collection of African American Military Memorabilia https://vimeo.com/30256977 , and have been funded by the Department Of Defense in developing NAACP Award winning documentaries http://www.forloveofliberty.org/producers/kevinclark.html  and rare museum artifacts and exhibitions for the masses. The Tuskegee Airmen is an example of our lesson plans https://issuu.com/kevinclark8/docs/dakar_brothers_keepers.

If interested in donating to the fund, please email us at Kevin@homageusa.net for more details