
Explaining what’s behind these walls is our mission as a consortium to “Change Their World”.  On Wednesday, March 29th the consortium comprised of business professionals in technology, education, and entertainment met with Pentagon and research leaders to discuss how to share their nexus that will better prepare students, teacher and parents for workforce 2020-2025.  Our mission was operation USC ICT Spring Semester 2017.


The mission Wednesday, March 29 was to assemble a dream team to exchange ideas on how to create the mother of all experiential tours for 25 select students who can unbox the University Of Souther California Institute Of Creative Technolgy (USC ICT).  The goal is to plan our next trip to the USC ICT for students and their peers to investigate how and why this factory on innovation and creativity can be a destination for a more diverse internship talent pool.


This experience provided a phone conversation with representatives from the Pentagon, SES, Clarence Johnson, Norville Rock Dillard, Retired General Arnold Bray, and our host Retired Colonel Clarke Lethin, managing director of the USC ICT.

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The morning started with a phone conHerein is the introduction video.versation with the above mentioned and a cohort of mentors, Ted Lai- Apple, Thomas Barnett-Cisco, Jay Tucker-UCLA, Dennis Brown-SCORE, Rory Pullens-Director LAUSD Arts-Entertainment, Angela Allison-Doing What Matters, Maya Beasley-TTen Consulting, Daryle Lockhart-Sci-Fi Generation, and our moderator, David Cohen-Digital Media Strategist.  The phone conversation was integrated into a thirty multi-multimedia presentation led by Clarke Lethin, and Kevin Clark.  Herein is the introduction video.


The second video in the presentation showcased some of the work being conducted by the USC ICT, many of the research projects are funded by different branches of the Department of Defense, but some research for system as VITA (BraveMind) are commissioned by the private sector and individuals such as Hall of Famer Football legend Dan Marino who contracted the USC ICT for solutions to spectrum of Autism, to the entertainment industry using their digital double, Light Stage labs, and finally for wounded warriors and disabled veterans from Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.


The take away from our meeting and tour was to research and script a student generated production that will enable students in LA High Tech to capture and unbox a demonstration of a research projected selected by the collective group, and released by the owners of the intellectual property through access of the USC ICT to be the subject of a story that can provide episodes to link and unbox more unique features of how the research operates , what careers can be realized and why this research and the tech-entertainment products are changing the way we learn and forecast the future of tech-entertainment workforce.


The distinguished list of onsite attendees who took the tour was led by Steve Wright-State of California DM-ICT, Yvonne Harmon-AT&T, Munir Mahmud, Hart Beat Digital, Evette Vargas-Digital Reigh, Krisha Smith LAUSD, Dr. Daniel Walker, Doris Driver-DSN, Rex Reyes-USC Grad, Lisa Snow MacdonaldConsultant, Mark Hobbs/ LA-High Tech, Sophia Hernandez, LA High Tech,  David Nelson LA-High Tech, Scott Young-Consultant, Jordan TynerConsultant, and Kevin Clark-Dakar.


Our next step is to mobilize a collection of k-12 students for a return trip to USC ICT & Affiliates , and extract video testimonials, and post-produce enough content to launch a pilot that will feature episodic investigating reporting from the USC ICT, and prepare students to submit themselves for qualification for  internship to USC ICT Intern Programs and high school and undergrad research program. We would be remiss if we didn’t thank our gracious host and organizers, Clark Lethin, Emily Conway and the person who was responsible for managing the hundreds of emails and cell phone calls, Magi Gordon.  Thanks agian.