My name is Ruben Garcia and I reside in the Bay Area, Northern California. I have always been a musician, writer, performer, a designer, artist, programmer, marketing, promotion, publicist by trade, a videographer, business development consultant and well a bit of a fashion monger!
Well I am still all of those things.. and lately, I grew tired of staring at my laptop monitor too much… so I started creating hard goods, products for clients whom I build backend web stores for their businesses. More specifically, I was always interested in leather products (ooh, racy!) so I started designing and manufacturing all of the products displayed on my site. Be sure to check out all the sections here on the web site to see all of my product lines.
So how did this come about? One day my eight year old son Vincent noticed a retro leather band that I was wearing. One of my clients had given me this retro band recently. He stated that it was hip and asked if I could purchase one for him in his size. This is where the light bulb went off and a problem was identified. There were no abundance of youth hipster retro leather bands. The next thing I knew I was in the garage stamping out refurbished leather and popping rivets and snaps in brass and steel and the rest will be history. Stay tuned as I post more products and load up the shopping cart. Please be sure to scroll down to view products.
All items are hand made by me.. and I continue to extend my product designs daily. Check back soon and please order on line or contact me directly.
Thank you for visiting and if you would like to read about my business technology history click here.
Best Regards,