DAKAR connects learning, growing, and networking through Conference As Curriculum Xr (CACXr) events, which provide the professional learning you need to help your students, teachers, and school excel. We bring together the best minds in K–16 education ‘entitled the “Digital Pathway Initiative”
CACXr enables our student clients to connect with our Immersive technology-entertainment industry partners such as; Persona, to provide futuristic insights into career pathways. This exchange has proven successful as field trips, now we’ll use practical strategies to connect students with opportunities to immerse themselves with panels, workshops, and exhibits so that they model their capture for student generated experiences in the future.
CACXr technology-entertainment conferences such as UCLA PULSE are packed with information, exciting and engaging, they offer the best practices, the most knowledgeable people in their fields, networking with industry professionals and seeing first-hand the latest industry trends. What better place could you go to find out about an industry, a career and the potential for future employment in that industry? CACXr is a program that takes Community College students from the Los Angeles County Region to conferences so they can learn and discover a new industry first hand and create an educational and career pathway based on first-hand information.
CACXr students is a 21st Century Real World Learning Experience that Provides Students with Cutting Edge STEAM Education that creates a direct connection to the industries, careers and businesses that they will be working in, meeting and interviewing the people and employers that they will be working with and discovering first-hand what educational career paths they took to get there, how and why these professionals enjoy their work and what the future of the industry holds for the students, especially in Open Source Xr conferences, such as Siggraph 2021.
The students have a job to do, bring back great information, tell a great story and help students create a plan of action Conference the conference environment is a new place to go where the students meet new people, see new things and experience a new way of learning A Curriculum the curriculum is the guide that instructs everyone involved on how to contribute to the students and teaches the students how to learn, report and apply the information they learned through Brown Bag TV is the first step to any journey.
The students are exposed to a real industry with real participants working every day in the industry. The students attend industry conferences, participate and learn about the industry, meet professionals working in the industry careers, technology and future, create a presentation of what they learned, the value sand connection to careers and report back to the other students, teachers and educational and career track counselors.
The question is, which came first the career or the excitement for the career? CACXr says that the exposure of learning about an industry leads to the excitement about that industry, so the student can be open to the possibilities and have a sense of ownership in that industry, therefore that career.
Students who attend conferences can now say “I know about what’s on the horizon about the tech-entertainment industry, I know a few companies that are in that industry, I met some people that work in that industry, they shared their educational and career pathways, and I have a pretty good idea about if I want to pursue working in this industry”
Students Get Clarity on How to start Planning their Future Goals is a 3 Step Learning Process- This course is for students leaders to go through the experience and create a report that excites other students and encourages them to purpose education on that industry
5. CREATE VALUABLE SUSTAINABLE FOLLOW THROUGH STRATEGIES Top 7 Reasons Why CACXr Conference As A Curriculum Xr Exposure is a Powerful Educational Course that Positively Transforms Career Pathway Learning for Teens- Mainly because students get excited about the new technology, they get to witness the future and become stakeholders that have an edge in knowing what’s next, who is creating it and how that will benefit the industry.
CACXr is a new way of learning that takes students out of their classroom and into a professional environment that is focused on one common industry CACXr is the beginning phase of giving students the confidence and connection they need take on ownership in the future of their education and career pathways- they learn things that give them the edge in learning.
They learn proper conference protocol, business etiquette and how to navigate a room to find what they are looking for This new learning process ignites their passion and sets them on a path of possibility it shows students the outcomes, results of the work the Vendor has done to be participating at the conference and why companies attend conferences
1. Strategically Selected Industry Conferences are created and produced to serve a need in the market, they showcase the latest technology and give students a glimpse of the future of that industry
2. Students learn how to research a conference to determine the industry, the market, the companies involved, the vendor technology, products or services, the presenters, panelist, speakers and the attendees
3. Students meet key people such as Kevin Hart, HARTBEAT that are the innovators, creators and future thinkers in that industry and learn how to network, make connections and set future appointments, find mentors and make visits to companies that they would not be visiting otherwise